IPSO - 2011

Project Team Ipso

New Results
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Ipso

New Results
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Editorial activities

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of M2AN.

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of ESAIM Proceedings.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of SINUM.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of Differential and Integral Equations.

  • A. Debussche is Director of the mathematics department of the antenne de Bretagne ENS Cachan.

Conference and workshop organisation

  • The team organized a workshop on numerical methods for stiff problems, Saint-Malo (January).

  • F. Méhats and F. Castella were members of the organization and scientific committees of the Conference in honor of N. Ben Abdallah, Toulouse.

  • P. Chartier was member of the scientific committee of SciCADE11, Toronto, Canada, July 11-15, 2011.

Administrative activities

  • P. Chartier was member of the Commission d'Evaluation at INRIA until june.

  • P. Chartier is member of the bureau of the Comité des Projets at INRIA-Rennes.

  • A. Debussche is member of the CNU, Section 26.

Talks in seminars and conferences, mini-courses

  • P. Chartier: Seminar INRIA Pau, December 12, 2011.

  • P. Chartier: Seminar University of Geneva, November 2, 2011.

  • P. Chartier: FOCM'11, Budapest, Hungary, July 4-6, 2011 (Invited Speaker)

  • P. Chartier: Meeting on Geometric Numerical Integration, Oberwolfach, Germany, March 20-26, 2011 (Invited Speaker)

  • P. Chartier: Real Matematica Sociedad Espagnola 2011 conference, special session on “Numerical integrators for Hamiltonian systems and related problem”, Avila, February 1-5, 2011 (Invited Speaker)

  • E. Faou: June 2011, Workshop : KAM theory and geometric integrators, BIRS, Banff, Canada. Organized with W. Craig and B. Grébert.

  • E. Faou: January 2011, Workshop : Advanced Numerical Studies in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, University of Edinburgh, UK. Organized with S. Kuksin, B. Leimkuhler and C. Sulem.

  • E. Faou: November 2011: Seminar at the CNR, Pavia

  • E. Faou: October 2011: Séminaire du laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, University of Paris 6.

  • E. Faou: September 2011: Colloque “Rencontre Mathématiques-Mécanique, hommage à Paul Germain”, Congrès français de mécanique, Besançon.

  • E. Faou: June 2011: Conference: Nonlinear Dispersive Partial Differential Equations and Related Topics, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.

  • E. Faou: June 2011: Seminar at Fields Institute, Toronto (Canada)

  • E. Faou: March 2011: Workshop on Geometric Numerical Integration, Oberwolfach (Germany)

  • E. Faou: February 2011: Invitation to the university of Tokyo (Japan).

  • E. Faou: February 2011: Séminaire systèmes dynamiques, Univ. Paris 7.

  • F. Castella: talk at the conference in honnor of N. Ben Abdallah, Toulouse.

  • Arnaud Debussche: September 6-11, mini course on “Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations: well posedness and ergodic properties" in the CIME summer school "Topics in mathematical fluid-mechanics” at Cetraro, Italy.

  • Arnaud Debussche: july 6 - 8 2011, Workshop: FoCM 2011, Conference on the Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Budapest. Organisation de la session Stochastic Computations avec T. Mueller-Gronbach et B. Baxter.

  • Arnaud Debussche: january 19 - 21 2011, Workshop: Maximum principles, fractional diffusion and differential or integral inequalities for deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations, Université d'Evry-Val d'Essone. Organised by L. Denis, P.G. Lemarie-Rieusset and J. Matos.

  • Arnaud Debussche: January 25 2011: Exposé à la journée de l'ANR HANDDY, université de Nantes.

  • Arnaud Debussche: February 1-5 2011, Congreso de la real Sociedad Matematica Espanola 2011, centenaraio de la RSME, Avila. Mini course (3h)..

  • Arnaud Debussche: March 25 2011: One day on SPDE and applications, université du Mans, organisez by A. Matoussi.

  • Arnaud Debussche: April 28-30: Stochastics and Dynamics, Brown Lefschetz Center for Dynamic Systems, organised by K. Ramanan and B. Rozovsky.

  • Arnaud Debussche: June 2011: Séminaire EDP, IECN, université de Nancy.

  • Arnaud Debussche: November 2011: Colloquium de Mathématiques, université de Pau.

  • Arnaud Debussche: December 2011 : Workshop: The stochastic Schrödinger equations in selected physics problems, ENST, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette.

  • Nicolas Crouseilles: Numerical methods for stiff problems in Hamiltonian systems and kinetic equations, at Saint-Malo. http://anum-maths.univ-rennes1.fr/quatrain/saintmalo/saintmalo.html

  • Nicolas Crouseilles: : talk at the meeting of ANR E2T2

  • Florian Méhats: Colloque "Asymptotic dynamics driven by solitons and traveling fronts in nonlinear PDE", Santiago (Chili).

  • Florian Méhats: Workshop "Asymptotic Regimes for Schrodinger equation", Vienna (Autriche).

  • Florian Méhats: Workshop "KAM theory and Geometric Integration", Banff (Canada).

  • Florian Méhats: Workshop du GdR CHANT "Transport et Nanostructures", Grenoble.

  • Florian Méhats: Seminar MODANT Grenoble.

  • Florian Méhats: Colloque "Kinetic models of classical and quantum particle systems", Toulouse.

  • Florian Méhats: Seminars IHP, Orsay, Rennes.